石家庄外国语教育集团    English
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发布时间:2018/4/10 9:10:55


Hello! My name is Ninna, and this is my schoolmate Rosa. We are from a Danish School called Hj?rring Gymnasium – a gymnasium is similar to your high school. Hj?rring Gymnasium is a sister-school and a member of Global K-12 Education Research Association.


During the last few years students from our school has been visiting your school every year. We are here with the same curiosity and gratitude as the previous students. We are very proud and honored to have been chosen to be a part of this project. This year we travel 15 students and 2 teachers, and common for all of us is our shared interest in visual art and drama.


We would like to tell you a little about the Danish youth culture. And a very important thing is our spare time since we have more spare time then students in China.

A regular day in a student’s life consist of school from about 8.00-15.00. Afterwards it’s our own responsibility to study our homework and do our assignments. Many students in Denmark use their spare time on creative activities – music, art, drama, and of course sports.



Many young people also have a youth job where we get paid. When we turn 15, we can work in shops and other places, but we are also able to work as volunteers according to our own hobbies.


In Denmark family, friends and being social in general is valued very highly, and we really appreciate spending time together to have fun and “hygge”. “Hygge” is a very typical Danish expression, which is used to describe the feeling you get when spending time with others, and it is also a very important value for us.

