上周,石家庄外国语教育集团迎来德国友好学校波茨坦爱因斯坦高级文理中学的19名师生,他们在石外进行了为期一周的校际交流活动。在今早的升旗仪式上,该校教师代表Elke Garate女士、学生代表Max Haustein以及友好学校项目负责人Julia Martensen在升旗仪式上发言。
教师代表Elke Garate女士
Dear authorities, teachers and students of SFLS!
We send you the best wishes from Einstein Secondary School Potsdam, Germany and thank you very much for your warm welcome.
For most of us, it’s the first visit to China, for me personally, it’s something I could never have imagined when I was a school girl in East Germany.
My first direct contact with China was a Chinese boy at my school called Tien.But for me and my generation, China was far away as the moon.
Now,meeting each other, experimenting unforgettable moments, the distance is melting like ice cream in summer.And we are very grateful for being able to get such interesting insights in your daily life——and even be a part of it for a while.
Let me finish with something very personal.The youngest generation of my family——my 7 months old granddaughter is a lovely German-Chilean-Chinese mixture;Our world has definitely come together.Thank you and have a great day!
学生代表Max Haustein
And thank you for welcoming us at your flag raising ceremony. It is a pleasure for me to be here.I’m one of the students from Germany and my Name is Max. We are from a City near Berlin named Potsdam.
In February, a few students from your School visited us and we are very happy that we are now able to be here in Shijiazhuang.Our first week is over and we had a lot of fun and gained many new experiences.I’ve been to China once before and I have visited many cities as a tourist. I have noticed, that living in a family is a very different and much greater experience. Being able to know about the lifestyle in China is an extraordinary expansion of knowledge.I thank this school and every helpful student at it for this wholesome experience.
友好学校项目负责人Julia Martensen
I’m also more than happy to be here again and grateful for the unique chance that we can be your guests, that we are able to spend time together, take part in your daily school life and share a lot of experience.
We are impressed by all the multiple opportunities you offer your students and also by the well equipped school facilities.I think our participating students as we well as yours will take home a lot of unforgettable memories.From my point of view, knowing something about China is for us Europeans one of the core competences for international relationships in our globalized world.My relation to China started almost 10 years ago with a short stopover in Beijing, visiting the most important monuments, continued with 2 years of working and living in Shanghai and now I’m coordinating our cooperation.For this, the current and future projects, I wish a further prosperous working and learning from each other.For me personally, China is a very special place in my heart and is attracting me every time and again.